Donald Zolan
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  • “The importance of the Donald Zolan paintings is that his Children become Little Sweet Friends for Children in Pain, and they succeed in feeling, tasting, hearing, smelling, seeing, touching the Beauty of  those paintings. These paintings are windows opened to Children's hearts and minds. Donald painted not only Children but Children's thoughts-and-feelings, perceptionand-sensations.”

    Professor Luisella Magnani

  • What a beautiful legacy that the art of Donald Zolan can transmit a feeling of love, positivity, and a sense of well being to a preverbal oncologic child in pain and their families.

    Giving hope to life is the highest sense of purpose we can achieve through the gifts of art and creativity.

    Jennifer Zolan

  • “The importance of the Donald Zolan paintings is that his Children become Little Sweet Friends for Children in Pain, and they succeed in feeling, tasting, hearing, smelling, seeing, touching the Beauty of  those paintings. These paintings are windows opened to Children's hearts and minds. Donald painted not only Children but Children's thoughts-and-feelings, perception and-sensations.”

    Professor Luisella Magnani

  • What a beautiful legacy that the art of Donald Zolan can transmit a feeling of love, positivity, and a sense of well being to a preverbal oncologic child in pain and their families.

    Giving hope to life is the highest sense of purpose we can achieve through the gifts of art and creativity.

    Jennifer Zolan

This page is dedicated to All Preverbal Oncologic children suffering with pain and delirium in the hopes of understanding and finding a way to lessen the pain of every child in the world with cancer who are unable to communicate at this early age their pain, their feelings, their sensations, and their fears.

Professor Luisella Magnani of Varese, Italy began her research and studies in Pediatrics Palliative Care upon the passing of her nephew Giampaolo, a Preverbal Leukemic Child.
In His Memory, Professor Magnani wants to be and do all her best for Every Child in Pain and in the World.

She has dedicated her life her research to help children and their families in the field of Non-Pharmacological care. In August 2012, Dr. Magnani discovered the artwork of Donald Zolan and saw the vision of how Zolan’s art of childhood could be used in Psicosocial Therapy in pediatrics cancer of preverbal children. When Dr. Magnani approached Jennifer Zolan it was at the same time that Jennifer was searching for a children’s cause to continue Donald’s vision of helping children through art.

In his memory, Jennifer is committed and dedicated to helping these innocent children of cancer and their families.

Read more >       

In her studies presented to the World Conference of Children’s Palliative Care in Mumbai, India, in February 2014, Dr. Magnani shared her findings of what a Preverbal Oncologic Child Perceives and Feels and how in one way a Donald Zolan painting provides a warm positive joyful atmosphere to the Oncologic Child in Pain.
Dr. Magnani writes,
“these paintings open a window to a little child’s soul and fill him with light and positive well being. For each child is closed within his pain and how does one enter into his Inner Nature, his Inner World.”

In the years ahead, Jennifer Zolan plans to create children’s videos, books and prints to fill the room of each preverbal oncologic child with the magical paintings of America’s Beloved Children’s Artist, Donald Zolan.

For further information or questions about the program, please contact Professor Luisella Magnani at or visit her website at

For questions on the art, please contact Jennifer Zolan at


Scottsdale, Arizona
Bologna (Italy)

203.300.3290 (USA)

+39 366 2317118 (Italy)


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  • Request PDF files of the complete artworks of the Collections
  • Discuss Licensing Opportunities
  • Obtain permission to license a Zolan Company copyrighted image for manufacturing or for personal usage
  • Inquire about licensing an image for advertising, for community projects, or for social causes

Doctor Professor
Luisella Magnani

Donald Zolan’s Paintings as Atmospheral Care in the Painful Procedure Room Of the Paediatric Clinic
University of Studies of Insubria of Varese – Italy
Luisella Magnani

A space can become Atmospheral space when it is cared thinking of he who has to enter it, the Child and his mother enter the Painful Procedure Room...
World Paediatric Hospice and Paediatric Palliative Care Day
Friday, 2nd October 2015

Let's look at children's eyes, children in urgent need, children in pain and in suffering. Let's look at their eyes, let's interpret the feeling of meaning in their eyes...
Professor Magnani presented her abstract to the Congress of the European Delirium Association in Cremona, Italy November 6, 2014.
What and How does the Preverbal Oncologic Child Perceive, When he perceives?
Prepared for the First International Children’s Palliative Care Conference, Mumbai, India 2014

Consider the atmosphere within which the Preverbal Oncologic Child has been living since the diagnosis day...
‘Here-am-I, Here-are-we’ by Professor Luisella Magnani
Prepared for the World Hospice & Palliative Care Day, October 2014

The hat on Children’s head, that hat whose size is larger than the Children’s headsize, is the symbol of protection, covering, embracing, comfort, the symbol of ‘universal coverage of palliative care’. And interpreting Zolan’s Painting we can say that EveryChild ...